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This is an optional, non-standard file called stop_attributes.txt. This can be used to add additional useful information not included in GTFS, such as the city of each stop.

stop_attributes.txt is defined in GTFS+

Field Definitions


Primary key (stop_id)

Field NameTypePresenceDescription
stop_idForeign ID referencing stops.stop_idRequiredA stop_id from stops.txt
stop_cityTextOptionalThe name of the city or region that the stop is in.


1001,"Fresno, CA"
1002,"Fresno, CA"
1003,"Hanford, CA"
1004,"Hanford, CA"
1005,"Lemoore, CA"

An example of this file is located in examples/stop_attributes.txt.


This feature is in development. Fields may be added or changed in the future.